
About membership

What is an Ardent membership?

A do-it-yourself option for bookkeeping.

You track your income and expenses, we will guide you on systems to set up and financial reporting

Ardent provides training, answers to questions and resources

You pay a monthly fee.

Membership is currently closed. A new group will open summer 2021.

Low risk- you pay monthly and can cancel at any time

Who is it for?


Small business owners and ministries

Start ups

Those who want to keep their own books

Those who want a safe place to understand their finances

Those who want to ensure they are accurately keeping track of finances

Those who want feedback on best practices for their business or organization

What do you get?

Access to members only section of website

Private facebook group

Tools and checklist to equip you

Questions answered


Videos and trainings



Reminders of deadlines

Member challenges


Ready to sign up?

Join by 8/10/18 to be a founding member!

We are currently launching a founders group. It will be limited to 50 members.

Benefits include being in on the ground floor, shaping the content and offering feedback….and you will always pay $20 per month- even after it is offered to a wider audience for $30 per month.